I led the Jonesborough Tennessee walk where 35 local photographers spent 3 hours shooting in Tennessee's oldest town. Lots of interesting architecture, history, and off the wall art can be shot in just a few blocks. The walk occurs on the same day worldwide, which turned out to be the hottest day of the year in Jonesborough.
Each photographer now has to select their best photo to submit to the photowalk contest and I have the unenviable duty to pick one winner from the 35. I know they will all have excellent photos and I'm not looking forward to having to pick the one. Here's a link to some of the groups photos on flickr
As walk leader I'm not eligible for the contest. That's a good thing because I wouldn't want to compete against these folks! Here's a couple of my photos from the day. I didn't take many, but had fun taking photos of the other photographers.

I started the walk out by trying to take a group photo without a memory card in my camera. After running back to the car I got this group shot, minus a couple late arrivals.
I had a great time and hope the others did as well. Some new friendships were formed and we're talking about an unofficial local photowalk later in the year when it's not so hot.