Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beauty of Laurel Run Park

We are so blessed by the flowers in our world.  The same flowers that we hurry past without hardly noticing.  Rarely do we stop, bend down, and look at the tiny beauty God put into these gifts.   A passion for outdoor photography has caused me to notice and appreciate what we have, often right under our feet.   Stop and look up close and see God's glory!

Laurel Run is a small park just west of Church Hill, Tennessee is home to one of the most beautiful and varied wildflower displays around.  Each year around the first two weeks of April the hill sides, pathways, and creek sides come alive with color and beauty. 

The Eastman Camera Club took a Wildflower Hike and Photography trip to this park on April 10.  Since I was leading the trip, June and I did a little scouting trip on Good Friday.   On Good Friday the temperatures were in the upper eighties.  On the morning of April 10, they were mid the mid-thirties!  Quite a change in just eight days.

When we were there on Good Friday, several of the wildflowers had not bloomed or the blooms were not open.  We had several days of unusually warm weather and by the 10th many of these blooms were gone, but a whole new batch of wild flowers had bloomed to take their place.   We were blessed with two completely different wildflower outings.

I have posted severl photos from these two weekends at Laurel Run Park 2010.  I invite you to browse on over there and enjoy some of God's smaller creations.

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into." ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

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