Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thank You For Supporting Hope Haven Ministries

Hope Haven Ministries received over $2,400 from the sales of my 2016 calendar. Thanks to everyone who supported this ministry by purchasing the calendars.

If your not all that familiar with Hope Haven Ministries, let me fill you in.   Hope Haven Ministries is a Christian, interdenominational, non-profit ministry that reaches out to homeless men, women and children in Kingsport who may be impoverished economically, educationally, emotionally and/or spiritually.  They offer emergency shelter in the form of safe, clean, temporary housing for those in distress.  Hope Haven operates two shelters in Kingsport - one for men and one for women and children.

HHM Values:

Every client will be given the opportunity to hear the gospel message through structured bible studies and chapel services.

Every client will be treated with dignity and respect, provided a safe clean confidential environment and the opportunity to participate in a structured program that will allow them to transition from being dependant to becoming independent.

Compassion Driven
Having open doors, without prejudice, to the homeless of our region, while helping each client to deal with the root cause of their issues.

Direct every client to job and resource opportunities provided by our local community. Encourage each client to become connected to the church of their choice. Lead clients in participating in community-oriented projects. And provide opportunities for the greater community to support the needs of the homeless.

HHM Mission

The mission of HHM is the "Help The Homeless Help Themselves".  Every resident is required to be either going to school, looking for a job or working. Those earning an income are required to save a portion so that they have money to start their new lives after leaving.   During 2015, the residents saved a total of $50,763.04 of their own monies.

In 2015, Hope Haven Ministries filled a total of 4,164 beds and served 12,295 meals. The  helped 47 individuals find gainful employment and 50 individuals move into their own apartments. Hope Haven is helping folks get their life back.

If you want to learn more you can check out their website at http://hopehavenkpt.com/

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