I will be teaching my Basic Photography Class starting November 8. This is a popular class and always fills up. The class will start out with learning the basics of photography - light, shutter speed, aperture and how to use them on your camera. From there we will get into color, composition, lighting, techniques and photographic gear selection. We'll talk about some common photography challenges and how to overcome them. We will go over different photo editing packages, organizing photos, printing, and sharing online. The class will be a combination of classroom teaching, practicing our new photography skills, and reviews of photography assignments.

The class is designed for a photographer who has a DSLR, mirrorless camera, or advanced compact camera.
Classroom sessions are November 8, 13, 15 and 20 from 6:00 PM– 8:00 PM in the Eastman Employee Center. There will be one field trip on Saturday, November 17 to practice what we have learned. The Saturday time will depend on what works best for the majority of the students.
In every Class we will have time for:
- Review of Homework – yes, we are in school again.
- Problem Solving - Bring your camera and problem photos to class
- Questions and Answers
The class is open to Eastman Camera Club members. The good news is anyone can join the club by going to http://eastmancameraclub.com/ and clicking on About near the upper left of the page.
Cost - $45/person. Maximum of 14 people per class. Call Eastman Recreation Office at 423-229-3771 to sign up. Contact me if you have any questions.
Richard Siggins
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