Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not So WIld Flowers

We really enjoy getting out and finding wildflowers.  We'll drive and hike for hours to get to some of the best spots.  Wildflowers are special because they are exactly where God planted them and their beauty is all natural.   I'm always amazed with the beauty of these wild creations that grow out in the middle of the woods or along the side of the road.

Sometimes the flowers we have planted in the yard are under appreciated.   I don't always think to walk out and enjoy these beauties right in my own yard.  I got up early Easter morning and went out and shot these flower macros.   Seemed very fitting for Easter Sunday.

Although it's been a couple weeks since Easter and these flowers are gone, I hope you enjoy these photos.

100mm Macro, f/16, 1/15 sec

Oriental Lilly
100mm Macro, f/6.3, 1/15 sec

Oriental Lilly
100mm Macro, f/10, 1/10 sec

Iris Mohawk
100mm Macro, f11, 1/5 sec

100mm Macro, f/7.1, 1/50 sec

We have now planted some wildflowers in our yard so we can enjoy them without having to go anywhere.

The only bad part of spring is it's too short!


  1. Wow ! there are so nice and beautiful flowers. I like these colorful flowers. Many other wildflowers had always been the most colorful plants. I like all the pictures of flowers.

  2. There are such a lovely wild flowers. We know that wild flowers are so beautiful and available in so many colours. Because of wild flowers get the enough water, proper atmosphere and much more natural things.
